Sunday, August 22, 2010

Walmart Wildlife

One of the fringe benefits of my job is seeing what is usually hidden. At this particular job site the wild animals walk up to the employee break area outside (presumably to forage for some dropped french fries and for the wilder animals, maybe catch a smoke break). A family of Raccoons were frequent visitors...Momma and Daddy were huge and their 6 teenagers would waddle incredibly close to us. All the times I have been camping, I had to resort to sneaky tactics in order to fool one lone raccoon to be photographed. These guys had no fear. Along with the raccoons were a couple of families of cats...a single mom cat and her kitten and another mom cat and her litter. All the animals seemed pleased with the kitten food I sprinkled about in order to lure them in for a photo op. There was also an otter/beaver looking creature that I was unable to catch on camera.
I have video of about 6 of the 8 Raccoons coming out that I will try to upload later.

This one I call Curious George
These cats seemed to blend in nicely with their surroundings. Camo cats.
Momma struck a protective pose when I got in position behind the Garden Center shelves to snap this shot.
Then she relaxed and let the babies feed.

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