Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Good Life

The weather has been positively spring like the past few days.  That will all change Monday with severe winter weather rolling into the area.  Low's are predicted in the single digits and high's that never get above freezing.  Honestly, I am looking forward to some tough weather.  My tiny heater keeps me perfectly comfortable.  I have refilled the propane tank that feeds my 18,000 BTU Mr Heater to supplement my primary electric heater.  I am confident that I will be able to walk around the bus clad only in T-shirt and shorts...if I so desired.  
Seems the holidays are not the best time to get a new job.  To bide my time I am trying to figure out how to improve my WiFi reception.  My old school, sturdy steel bus provides a serious impediment to WiFi signals. To get decent reception requires placing my computer in strategic locations.  Prime receptions spots are usually elevated and force me to assume the Zombie pose to type.  My arms are extended straight out with my hands being at the same elevation as my shoulder.  I need to install an antenna on the roof of the bus.  There are a couple of challenges associated with that issue.  First off is finding the appropriate antenna.   This is actually a two fold problem with 1) identifying the right antenna that will boost my already existing, built in Wi-Fi card and 2) finding a store in this small town that actually carries the right antenna.  Then there is getting up on the roof to drill a hole to feed a cord into the bus.  Drilling holes in the roof ranks as one of my least favorite things to do.  I would like to retain its weather proof integrity and every new hole increases the risk of a problem.  But I will succeed...oh yes, I will succeed. (-:  

Here is my spot at my new campground.  The bathhouse, with private rooms with showers, toilet and sink (think hotel bathroom with stand up shower instead of tub), and a laundry facility only 50 feet from my front door.

Although I have a nice new 32" LCD HDTV and 53 channels of cable, I rarely watch TV.  I use it to watch local news and weather.  Here is the weather report for New Year's eve.  Back when I thought 23 degrees (9 degrees wind chill) was cold.  

Thanks to recent Christmas gifts my life is very comfortable.  My fridge is holding a bountiful supply of fresh meat.  My pantry is stocked to satisfy my every craving and even my pet's cravings.  The needle on my fuel gauge is no longer resting on 'E'.  I have no immediate financial worries.  I feel a somewhat guilty because I am not 'roughing' it and my stress level is below normal.  I suppress the guilt by reminding myself that I will be back to the character building, comfort denying, unpredictable life soon enough.  Right now I am savoring the good life.


  1. By most standards, you are certainly "roughing it". Forgive my total ignorance on the subject, but is it not possible to run the antennae line to the bottom of the bus and drill up, not down?

    Pets and hugs for the furry ones!

  2. I'm not roughing it until I am blowing my nose with saw-grass and thumping icicles off of my eyebrows. (-:
    2 reasons for not drilling up. 1)I would need a longer cable which increases cost and decreases signal quality 2)I don't want to 'red-neck' up the exterior of the bus. I understand the 'oxymoronical' sound of that. My home has tires and turn signals. However, I look at my home like a classic car and want to retain some semblance of dignity. (-:
    Pets respond with woofs and purrs.

  3. Color coordinating duct tape. I just shed a tear.

  4. I cannot believe I spelled it DUCK tape. I laughed at my daughter when she did..I feel truely a little ignorant now. Whew, that was quick, glad its over!

    But...there is even camouflage tape, so no one will ever see it!
