Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Humble Pie

I reviewed my last post and thought it might have an unintended 'holier than thou' flavor to it. I want to be clear that these are my opinions that I feel are right for me. And they aren't even all altruistic. Going to the gym, for example, isn't purely to keep me healthy and living longer. I go there also to shower and truth be told because of a touch of vanity in how I appear. I am a single guy after all and I must maintain the merchandise if I ever want to get married to someone I find attractive. Besides if good health and longevity were my goals I would spend less time with the free weights and more time doing some sort of cardio regime. Hopefully I get to destinations that provide cardio exercise disguised as fun, like hiking and exploring.
I would probably still be in front of a TV if I hadn't taken on this endeavor.

I have finally posted on the web site that gave me the inspiration and know how to convert a bus to my home on wheels. During my early research days before buying the bus I spent hours reading posts on this site. There is quite an inventive counter-culture that I had no idea existed. Take some time and check it out. Go to the Forums area and see what other people have done. I run the risk of losing all the 'Wow Brian. You are so cool and unique' aura that I know many readers must have about me. But alas, I am but a humble student of others. Go ahead, Cry if you must, I am no longer a one of a kind revolutionary thinker. I do think that I do stand out because I have not found anyone else who has done what I have done under the circumstances I have done it. 1) I built a pretty good bus home while living fulltime on it. 2) Except for the clutch and the fuel line repairs, I did ALL design and construction by myself. That is pretty amazing, considering most have a spouse or friend who lent a hand. I called on nobody for construction. I did however call on many for a place to park, a place to work, to help me when I was stranded, and many other things. But design and construction was all me.
Also credit needs to be given to some particularly helpful blogs that inspired me and sometimes helped me keep my motivation.
This site was one of the first I found on the subject of bus conversion. Probably the one I most patterned my bus after since it was also a rear engine bus. This guy did a 1st class job on this bus and makes my interior look pitiful in comparison. I liked his use of recycled items, taking little and making much. His bus is longer than mine so to my credit he had more space to work with. This site features a bus that construction was started about the same time as mine. It too is an excellent example of what can be done. I followed his construction on a continuous basis for the first couple of months. Then I realized I didn't have the resources, manpower or the money to compete. But it is a mighty fine bus. And you might see that I borrowed his blog background and style. A very good, point by point account of how to build a bus properly, with style. The author also has a keen eye for spotting deals at home improvement shops.
There are several others but I have to run for now.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog....and your bus is looking good

    check out
    I think they built their bus on the go too.
