Monday, May 10, 2010

The Nashville Flood

I finally have found the time to upload my flood videos and pics. I didn't get as many pictures as I feel I should have. The two main reasons 1) I didn't realize the extent of the flooding-I don't have much TV access. 2) Roads (including interstates) were closed, so I hunkered down to wait and see if a tornado manifested in the Nashville sky. And now the weather channel is reporting that Tornado Alley is roaring to life. Maybe I will spot a freak East coast tornado. I can only hope. Here is today's warning area.

Once I heard there was serious troubles I went to the Electronics section of Walmart to catch up on the news. It was on all the TV's.
Here is traffic backup due to interstate closings.

Here is a graphic showing the rainfall totals. By late Sunday Afternoon Nashville had received 15 inches of rain in less than 48hrs. 3 inches is normally alot of rain. This is considered ridiculous amounts of rain.

Here is most of the video I shot during those two days. It is a longer clip at about 8 minutes, alot of me narrating and showing the rain.

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