Monday, November 7, 2011

Legal Marijuana, Beer and the outdoors

I realize that I have not been providing my usual colorful commentary on my travels.  Honestly, blogging is tough to make time to do.  Facebook is so much easier to get a condensed idea or photograph out to 300+ of my dearest and closest friends that I last saw a decade ago.  I am not required to think on Facebook.  Plagiarism is perfectly acceptable (under the guise that since google exists, people can easily find the true source of something,  hence citing sources isn't required)
This post will be a potpourri of subjects that show more insight into life in my new temporary home, Denver.  This city is both typical and atypical.  I prefer to focus on the things that make it different and unique.
 One of the most noticeable is the abundance of legal Marijuana dispensaries.  Recently, Medical Marijuana was legalized in the state of Colorado.   It is still a little surreal for me to see so many business prominently displaying a huge Pot leaf as part of the logo of their business sign.  I was raised in the 'Just Say No' era where the jagged, 7 pedaled leaf was touted as evil.  The ads in the local papers and magazines in 4P color offer free cannibas joints with a purchase of an 1/8th or 1/4th ounce.  I will be doing a mini photo shoot of some of these businesses.  It is a cultural difference from anywhere I have been before.   I have no opinion for or against whether this is a good thing.  I just find it an interesting thing.
I met a guy and he allowed me to photograph his 'Prescription Card'.  I slightly edited to protect his privacy.

Colorado is known as a healthy state and it is also one that loves its beers.  Microbrewery is big here.  I have yet to drink a Bud or Miller Light since being in the state.  I did have a couple of Coors beers at Coors Field, it just seemed apropos.  When I do enjoy a drink, it is frequently an experiment into some new variety of beer.  It is similar to the way wine connoisseurs appreciate trying new wines.  They even discover new ways to enjoy their chilled libations while being healthy.  There is a bike bar, where everyone pedals the bar along while enjoying their beverage.  Check it out.

Locally, I also was able to enjoy Volleyball at Wash (short for Washington) Park twice a week.  Sometimes these moments would be the highlight of my week.  I am so much more a participant than a spectator when it comes to sports.

Colorado Springs is the home to the mega churches and is where many conservative organizations are located.  I thought I was raised in the buckle of the Bible belt.  'The Springs', as it is known locally, is the forefront of the modern Christian movement.  It's influence was just getting started back east where the churches were getting bigger and incorporating contemporary Christian music (complete with electric guitars and drum kit).
Colorado, in my limited experience, is an interesting mixture of conservative and liberal values with an emphasis on physical activity.  The Rocky mountains seem to call out to everyone to come out and play.  The call does not go unheeded.  The call must be nationwide because I would say a full 90% of the people I have met are transplants, or people who have moved from elsewhere to be here.  It is to an outdoors person what New York or Los Angeles is to the city person.  Now that winter is approaching, I am looking forward to being able to properly play in the snow.
Stay in touch for other posts I am currently working on.  'The girlfriend application', 'My views on Religion' and 'Pre-Flight bus driving instructions'

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