Monday, March 8, 2010

Successful Weekend

Ahhh, Spring is in the air. My favorite season of all.
My PSA for the American Lung Association went well. I did not have a speaking part, but nobody did. I am thinking it will be a voice over type thing. This was a first rate production being filmed instead of video taped. They had other parts to shoot in Tampa and Washington DC. Here is a pic of the Assistant Director.

After the shoot wrapped I went back to my Keith's and got online. Craigslist had a futon that someone was giving away.
This was an amazing find because several planets had to align for this to happen.
1) I had to find something that would fit in a specific space
2) I wanted to find something for free (other used futons are $50 and up)
3) It had to look decent
4) It had to be relatively close
5) I had to have a vehicle to pick it up.
6) It had to be recently posted or else someone might beat me to it.
7) It had to be something I could move by myself.
It was a really fortunate find. Now I have a comfortable place to sit and somewhere for a passenger to ride comfortably. Plus it has the added benefit of the arms folding down to make a single bed.

On Sunday I fixed my Clutch problem. I just rehabbed the rubber seals on the slave cylinder. Amazingly it worked!! Only took me an hour and a half to re-install. Bus shifts and runs like a champ. But as to be expected, I discovered a new leak, this time it was antifreeze. I will have to see if I can track down the specific place its leaking from. Might be a loose clamp.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter has one of those in her room! It came from Target.

    Make sure to protect the animals from the leaking antifreeze!!
