Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Perspective and Perception

I had an audition scheduled for this morning. I had to change it to Thursday morning. I got a later start than I wanted this morning and by the time I got a 'bus shower' I was running to far behind. I think this will be great, something else to add to my film reel. Slowly but surely, I will make something happen.

I'd like to take a moment to discuss Perception, Perspective, POV (point of view), and first impressions. I like to see things from different perspectives...a road seems so much different driving down it than flying over it. You could be looking at the same place but from such a different perspective. You might not notice that the road has a long gentle curve that takes you from West to North in the space of a couple of miles, from the air it is much more obvious. This reminds me of the saying you can't see the forest because of the trees....You are so in the forest you can't see the big picture because you are too close to the trees. I love to change perspectives, to see thing from many different angles. And I like to perceive how others view me. Some are more obvious and tell me, they think I must be a hippie or something. Others tell me by their body language. And it depends on how I choose to present myself that day. If I am dressed in dirty clothes because I am working on my generator and I go into Walmart, people tend to avoid eye contact. If I am standing beside the bus in the same condition people usually drive by and stare. If I am dressed nicely, and the nicest I dress is club nice these days, then I get treated much differently. Lots of eye contact, sales people resume calling me sir, just a feeling of general helpfulness from everybody. I am the same person, but something as simple as cleanliness and decent clothes goes a long ways. I am not pretending this is all new to me, but it is much more noticeable. I forgot to mention that it does take some people aback when they see me in dirty clothes, grease on my face and in my hair, trucker hat on and they hear me talk. I think in their mind they had already colored me dumb or ignorant. When they hear that I must have had some education they still look skeptical but they start moving their thinking about me from not so smart to unknown. And most people don't like the unknown.
I, too, am guilty of judging a little too quickly on the same credentials I just mentioned. And like most people, I think that I am usually dead on 95% of the time. And in my case it is particularly true, just because I believe it to be. Ergo, it's fact.
POV is really a term used in film making to describe the Point of View given to the audience by the director through the camera. The way a character can be intensely disliked at the beginning of the movie but as we (the audience) learn more (through POV) we can come to understand and even like the character. A good director makes the audience feel like they discovered this truth on their own, not that the director led them by showing them what they needed to see.
I have many deep, profound thoughts on this subject. But I have lost the mood to be deep and profound today. Another time.

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