Tuesday, July 19, 2011

An interesting young man

I've got to be honest, it has been difficult for me to blog lately. Not because I have been too busy but because I have not been motivated to write an engaging post.
I continuously meet interesting people, the single favorite aspect of traveling that keeps me inspired. You may notice that my pictures lately contain more than just myself and my pets. The multitude of interesting and diverse people that I meet make my life interesting. Someone that comes to mind immediately is a fellow I met that I sort of envy. He is young, entering college this fall. He seems to have wisdom beyond his years. I met him because he is friends with my friend, Leanne's daughter. His name is Sam. I barely know the guy but all I had to do was to see his car and know he was one interesting fella.
Mountains on one side...
Desert landscape on the other.  Trunk held down with cord only enhanced the character of this car.
Ninjas adorn the trunk.

Sam and Amy Caroline

From what I gathered, he decorated the car prior to a recent road trip. He had friends and strangers alike personalize it with autographs and quotes. Even an officer of the law signed it after pulling him over and giving him a verbal warning.
Sam was his class Valedictorian, is a black belt in one of the martial arts and will be attending Harvard in the fall. All of that is great resume stuff but talking to the guy and seeing his car told me volumes more about who he is as a person. There is not an ounce of pretension in his being. Clearly he is intelligent but more importantly I believe he possesses an internal passion and drive that will make him successful at whatever he chooses to do. This will be a guy to watch for in the future. His life is destined to be interesting.


  1. I hope as part of his resume, he incorporates that he met "a pretty cool old guy trekking across the country."
