Thursday, April 29, 2010

Experimental Psychedelic Drugs

Yesterday I took my first dose of Sustiva (Efavirenz), the HIV drug. (I would like to repeat here for the record again, I am HIV negative and am taking part in a clinical study at Vanderbilt University) I took it promptly at 8pm on an empty stomach then I laid back to watch a video on how to install a waste vegetable oil kit on my bus. About an hour and 15 minutes into the video the drug hit me and it hit me hard. All of a sudden I noticed the guy on the video describing the installation process sure did have good presentation skills and he sure knows his stuff. These thoughts were so strong that I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying and I had to go back and rewatch that segment. This kept happening over and over...I would be distracted by some small aspect of the video and miss the whole context. I decided to rewatch it all another time when I wasn't under the influence of experimental drugs. I swear, I felt like I was taking part of some 1960's Electric Acid Kool Aid Test. I wouldn't say I hallucinated but my pets quizzical looks took on whole new meanings to me. The researchers had warned me that the drug was a little 'trippy' and as someone who played amatuer guinea pig in his college days, subjecting my body to all types of various chemicals, I felt this medicine would most likely not phase me. I instantly did not want to leave the bus because I did not want to have to conversate with anyone. There would be no hiding the fact that something was 'off' about my behavior. In about 30 minutes I am going to go take my second dose at 8pm. I will have to repeat this for the next 29 days.
Ever since I moved into the bus I have been mostly 'on the wagon'. I rarely ever drink.

I have a working gig tomorrow morning with a guy I met at the gas station. Pretty cool on several levels. He and his wife traveled in their 30ft Airstream in 2006 and they look forward to doing it again. He really took an interest in what I am doing. And he is giving me a paying gig tomorrow morning. Awesome. Plus he has a 30 Gallon fresh water tank that he said he would give me. Very ironic because I was at the gas station filling up my 5&7 gallon water tanks when I met him. By the way his name is Steve.

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