Friday, June 17, 2011

Leaving Idalia

I have spent all week loading up the bus after my two and a half months off the grid.  A half hour into my drive out my radiator concerns materialized.  The radiator fan bearings (which I paid big money to have fixed last year) have been loose and on the verge of total failure.  I need to find a machine shop to fix this and I will probably have to wait until normal business hours on Monday.  Fortunately I carry many extra gallons of water just for such emergencies.

I will post the fun, good stuff once I get the bus running smoothly.  


  1. Okay, this does not look like fun...hope this can be an expedited (and inexpensive) fix. Hoping for the best!

  2. It has been challenging Tracey but I am so excited about being back in the normal world that I will take whatever gets thrown my way.
    I will have to catch up with what is going on with you sometime this week.

  3. Look forward to reading all about it!
