Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It isn't always sexy

Not everything I do can involve fire or cutting wood or braving the cold. He-man stuff...the kind of stuff that causes chest hair to sprout out of the top of my shirt. Sometimes I have to be domestic. Cooking, Cleaning and Sewing. Yeah, I sew. I got my start when I repaired the soft top on my Jeep. I used extra strong nylon thread and a big ol' needle. That's kind of cool sewing. Tonight I used my sewing skills to make some curtains. Previously my curtains have been old drapes cut to fit windows with tattered edges where I cut them with the scissors. I've decided I am going to upgrade my curtain standard. Not more ratty curtain edges. I finally made curtains for the back windows and I wanted the edges to look better than previous projects. I'm not going to say I did a spectacular job but it did turn out more rustic than Frankenstein. I did it all by hand and it took 3 hours. The hardest part was threading that blasted needle. Tomorrow I am will tackle the back side windows with matching curtains.

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