Friday, February 26, 2010

My Purpose defined

My mission statement:
To live a voluntarily simple life as I pursue my dreams while challenging, encouraging and assisting others to achieve theirs.

What this means is that I continue to live my life as simply as possible utilizing only basic necessities. My list of necessities include Shelter (in the form of my bus), Food and Water, basic heat, diesel and gas for the bus. Absent will be items of a materialistic nature as I want to show, through example, that dreams are what you do, not what you own.
Pursuing my dreams consist of traveling to various places to mark items off my list of things I want to do before I die and other opportunities I discover along the way.
Challenging, Encouraging and assisting others that I meet along my travels. I will be actively seeking out people who want to make some change in their life and help them achieve that goal.
I will document my experiences and post them on my blog and to a soon to be developed website.
Some subject matter that I want to focus on in my travels:
- Determine the best way to help those in unfortunate situations
- Give those with a 'will work for food' sign an opportunity to work for food
- Implement 'Pay it Forward' actions, I help someone, who in turn agrees to help someone else in need.
- Participate in Random acts of Kindness
- Promote the website

These are just some of the areas I want to touch upon. My mission will continue to evolve as I learn more. And it is not limited to the homeless or poverty stricken. I believe true Need has many different faces and spans the economic spectrum.

I will also be providing many more video logs to my blog.

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