Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Ok, I have been doing routine stuff lately and I haven't felt compelled to post. But even the mediocre stuff needs to be reported.
My birthday came and went. I received great gifts of cash that in turn helped me buy the essentials...Diesel, Gas, Food, New Battery Charger (my old one bit the dust), WiFi membership at Books-A-Million for a year and I went to catch the movie Avatar at the IMAX theater. The movie was my special treat to myself. The theater is located near Opryland hotel and a major mall. Traffic going there was as heavy as going to a college football game, which added to the effect that I was going to an 'event'. I arrived 3 hours early to make sure I got a ticket to the 7pm show. I viewed this as a once in a lifetime event, after this run, I doubt I will conveniently ever be able to see this incredible movie in all it's glory, 3D and on the largest screen around. The sound actually comes through small holes in the screen. The story and the graphics makes this groundbreaking cinema experience definitely worth the trouble and cost to see. I can't remember the last time I have been to a movie theater, I can't usually justify the expense. And it was only the second movie I have ever attended by myself.

To help me get around town, my brother Keith is letting me borrow his GPS. I get more than the occasional chuckle from the computer voice directing me to take the next right in .6 miles with a thick British Butler like accent. It seems all too proper for the bus. The GPS has been a godsend for me in the crazy Nashville interstate system. They have major interstate construction going on, actually closing down portions of it through the entire weekend. I'm thankful for the rerouting capabilities of my British navigator.

I am about to become a legal Tennessee resident. I am going to the DMV to get my drivers license after this post. The reasons for this are two-fold: I want to register the bus here where they have less stringent laws about what constitutes an RV AND I feel like it would aid my attempt to find local employment. Employers might not get that warm and fuzzy feeling if they think I am going to bolt in a couple of weeks. I plan on staying at least a month maybe longer. This will be the time I want to save money so I have a cushion to relax and enjoy crossing the country at my leisure during the fun weather months.

This weather right now, cold and cloudy is zapping my energy levels. Motivation is at a low point but I will push on through. I keep my eye on the prize. Freedom and adventure.

I am off to the DMV.

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