Thursday, December 16, 2010

Another glimpse

Ground hogs are a huge problem in the area. You don't have to be Oklahoma CSI to figure it out.

Sitting by the bus.
It was short sleeve weather on December 15. 65 degrees. Snow is forecast for tomorrow.
The area off the road is covered by cockleburrs causing Nala an uncomfortable walk. I remove these, not only to ease her pain but because more than once she has brought those back onto the bus. Let me tell you eating crackers in bed is nothing compared to finding cockleburrs in it.
Now she runs like a greyhound.

Sunset came again at its usual time. Below is a chronological view of the eye candy I am treated to every night.

Looking away from the sunset is just as spectacular.


  1. Wow, you've made it a long way, Brian. I love the sunsets..take more pictures!

    I can imagine Nala's love of the wide open spaces to run but can understand the burr thing-ouch! Way worse than cracker crumbs any day!

    Happy travels. Will keep tuning in.

  2. Looks like life is treating you well. May the adventure be one that takes you places you are glad to go.
