Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Here comes the sun

I am acutely aware that I am affected by the weather, sunshine mainly.  I am a case study waiting to happen for SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder).  The last couple of days have been cold and overcast and my mood had followed.  Today is bright and sunny and I am feeling fantastic.  And the forecast is for more of the same.

I have to take this time to mention that the Colorado Walmarts have the best camping sections.  I found myself this Instant Hot Shower there.  Remember a few months ago when I was coveting the Propane instant shower at my mom's?  I had to get my own.  It may have been a little hasty, since it may be awhile before I can test/use it.  In theory, I can fill up a 5 gallon bucket from a nearby babbling brook and the shower warms the water instantly using only a 1 pound propane cylinder.  If only Metro Denver had some brooks running through it.  Anyhow, here's the shower.

I may end up returning this impulse buy and purchase it again after I have a shower stall installed.  I need every bit of space as it is.

Also, I have been working on how to explain my lifestyle to people I just under a minute.  It's been tough.  I need a canned 'elevator' answer...a 30 second explanation that would last as long as an elevator ride.  After that, I can just field any specific questions.

A few days ago I was able to experience Denver rush hour interstate driving.  All I can say is 'Wow'.  There was one incident where I was passing a small Jaguar coupe on the interstate where the driver pulled in front of me and did not accelerate significantly.  We were going down hill...literally and figuratively.  I had to slam on the brakes as hard as I could without locking up the wheels.  I could hear items behind me suddenly sliding  I was within 5 feet of her rear bumper and gaining.  I wasn't mad at the driver, I was afraid for her.  She finally accelerated and darted ahead easily, probably after realizing she could count my chin whiskers in her rear view mirror.  That is the closest I have been to getting into an accident driving the bus.

I found a picture of one of my ski trips here in Colorado.  It was around 2005-2006.  Hmmm...where are my skis?


  1. Sweet blog! And I thought you did a great job explaining what you're doing in a short car ride to phil's

  2. It hadn't occurred to me to formulate a 30-second response, but I can see the need.

    That's a wonderful header picture - where are you?

    The Good Luck Duck

  3. Hey Amanda,
    I had to add that part in case anybody saw me. :) Thanks for checking my blog out.

    Roxanne- The header picture is from Comanche National Grasslands in Colorado. Currently I am in Denver.
