Friday, March 18, 2011

Movies worth seeing

I have decided to share a few of my latest favorite movies.  Movie watching is what I do late at night before going to bed.  I can't always be viewing incredible landscapes and hunting for large game.  Sure, I might rub dirt into my open wounds and I can fix the carburetor on my generator but I am multifaceted.  And yes, my travel videos won't win any awards...YET.
I do enjoy a really good movie and I would like to share a few with you that I have recently watched. Click the title to go to the corresponding IMDB (Internet Movie Database) page so you can get a little more background for yourself. (preferably open in a new tab).
The Next Three Days- Simply the best movie in months.  Super suspenseful, clever and thrilling.  Should be on your Must See movie list.
Let Me In - I really liked it.  Horror movie for the non-horror movie fan.  This one is really good, and it has an intriguing/strange underlying theme.  And kids as stars of scary movies freak me out.  Reminiscent of classics like The Exorcist and The Shining.  Fresh and Original.  Not gratuitously gory.
The Mechanic - Not brilliant but definitely fun.  I will call this my guilty pleasure action movie.  
Country Strong - I had high hopes for this film.  It is watchable, but if I hadn't been an extra in it I probably wouldn't include it here.  Don't look for me.  I ended up on the cutting room floor.  Curse my scene stealing movie star good looks.
Get Low - A little gem of a find. 
No Strings Attached - A surprisingly poignant comedy.  Demographic best for 18-39 year old.  Great, snappy dialogue.  Would make a fun date movie.  The premise is not for the conservative at heart. 
127 Hours - No Brainer.  Of course a guy like me would like a movie like this. 
Black Swan - If you are in a mood for a deep, dark movie, then this is the one for you.  Psychological thriller with ballet.   Not for all are either interested or not.
Mr Nobody - A personal favorite of mine, but this is really deep, quantum physics deep.  A thought provoker for the cerebral.  Not recommended for everybody.  Fun to watch, just follow closely.  
Winter's Bone - The best movie of the past year.  Gritty and Original.  Just watch it.  Thank me later.


  1. Thanks for the recommendations. Rick and I just watched some great ones that I thought I passed on to you.
    Temple Grandin
    Spitfire Grill
    How About You

  2. I've seen Temple Grandin, it should be on the list. Great docudrama.
    I will be sure to check the other two out.
